Motion Experiments

Motion graphics are seen and used every day due to their versatility and ability to convey information quickly and efficiently. By using GIFs, designers can create engaging, dynamic, and interactive content that captures the attention of audiences and communicates a message.

Motion graphics serve a variety of purposes, from being structured and organized to being experimental and abstract. I’ve created motion graphics through experimentation and creative freedom. I was responsible for making visuals that simulate motion by using a specific set of tools in Adobe After Effects.

Many of my ideas were inspired by viewing a wide range of GIFS through various sources of social media. GIFs are much more visually appealing than still images. They add movement to your content and make your work stand out in emails, ads, social media feeds, blog posts, and more. The GIFS I have created are not only decorative and entertaining but they show the potential use for motion logos, icons, and 3D animation.

In Adobe After Effects, I practiced controlling the position, scale, opacity, shape, and movement of graphic elements. Position and scale allowed me to shrink and stretch elements using keyframes on a timeline. Opacity allowed me to control the translucence of an object. Shape and movement allowed me to morph an element and control its directional movement on an X/Y axis within the screen.  

  • Timing and pacing: Motion graphics require precise timing and pacing to be effective. I learned how to create motions that have a clean and consistent flow. I experimented with multiple speeds, easing options, and timing controls to create my desired effects.

  • Layer management: After Effects allowed me to work with multiple layers, which can be challenging to manage. It was necessary for me to stay organized and label layers effectively. By remaining structured, I was able to practice advanced techniques and produce more sophisticated motions.

  • Visual effects: After Effects provides a vast array of tools that I used to enhance my motion graphics. I learned how to adjust size, shape, transparency, colors, and much more to add depth and realism to my designs.


Artificial Intelligence & Art


Center Island Catalog